🗨️ About I’m a Computer Scientist

I’m a Computer Scientist is an online, student-led STEM engagement activity where school students connect with working computer scientists.

Watch the video for a brief outline of the project. ➡️

🟰 Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion

We provide Equality. Schools get the same experience, regardless of their geography. A school in the Outer Hebrides has the same experience as one in inner London.

We support Diversity. A Zone features up to 50 scientists. Students are far more likely to find someone they relate to, and see themselves as a future computer scientist.

We’re Inclusive. 89% of students actively engage in our activity: that’s the shy students, the confident kids, and everyone in between. Mainstream schools, SEN schools, PRUs. It works for everyone.

🎓 Impact on students

I’m a Computer Scientist engages all students. It supports their Science Capital through showing STEM to be personally relevant to students lives; eliciting and valuing students’ questions and experiences, and providing support for building dimensions of science capital.

IAS can play an important role in helping young people see that STEM just might be ‘for me’. This, in turn, can contribute to nurturing science aspirations. Read more about student impact…

💼 Gatsby Careers Benchmarks

Schools are challenged to create an effective careers programme with often limited resources. Careers Advisors are increasingly being measured against the Gatsby Good Careers Guidance Benchmarks.

The ‘I’m a …‘ programme supports schools on seven of the eight benchmarks.
Read more about benchmarks…

🌟 Impact on computer scientists

Online public engagement helps bridge the divide between institutions and schools – and it’s not only school students who benefit.

“I didn’t really know much about public engagement before taking part… I’m a Scientist really inspired me to get involved with more!”

– Suzi, PhD researcher

IACS is a low pressure space for researchers to ‘dip their toes’ into public engagement. Seeing students’ enthusiasm for their work gives researchers the confidence and motivation to do more outreach. Those with less previous experience increase their public engagement activities by 130% in the year following IAS. Read more about scientist impact…

🛣️ Why distance matters?

Funders of public engagement and outreach activities have made a priority of reaching underserved audiences.

Wherever we looked we found anecdotal evidence that while, as a sector we were becoming increasingly effective at reaching schools in deprived parts of our metropolitan areas, rural communities continued to miss out.

But anecdotal data only gets you so far. We wanted to find out just how much the more remote schools were missing out.

We also wanted to know what constitutes a remote school in this context.

Read more about distance…

🎟️ Take part

You can take part; as a computer scientist in the activity, as a teacher with your school, or as funder.

Take part as a scientist
I’m a comp scientist ❯
Support us as a funder
I’m a funder ❯
Take part as a teacher with your class
I’m a teacher ❯

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